Compassion Closet Volunteering
We love our volunteers! Please complete our volunteer form so we can gain a better understanding of how you would like to be involved in our volunteer opportunities!

Volunteer Opportunities

Fill out the volunteer form above or email Becky at for more information!

Sorting Donations

All of our apparel donations are sorted according to gender and size. This task can take place at our storage facility in Concord OR in the comfort of your home! This volunteer option is recommended for those 8 and older.

Stamping Bags

Each paper bag we use for filling orders is stamped with our logo and website to help our clients access our services in the future. This task can take place at our storage facility in Concord OR in the comfort of your home! This volunteer opportunity is recommended for those 8 and older.

Organizing Donation Drives

A popular choice for schools, churches, and sports teams! Help us build our hygiene product inventory by collecting needed items or ordering from our Amazon Wishlist!

Delivering Orders

We are always in need of volunteers to pick up packed orders from Concord and deliver them to clients throughout the Charlotte area. A typical delivery route includes 3 to 4 families who live near one another and takes between one and two hours to complete. This volunteer option is open to adults and youth who are accompanied by an adult.