Pre-sorting your clothing donations is an optional way to:
- Amplify your giving
- Save us time and resources
- Earn our
immense gratitude!

Sorting Instructions

If necessary, please remove all hangers and pins from clothing.

Use the sorting charts below to separate clothing by gender and the listed sizing categories.

For each category of clothing, please fold the items and place into an individual bag. Please do not combine different sizes in one bag.

Label each bag with its contents. (For example, all Women’s size 12 pants would go in one bag and you would label it “Women Pants size 12”). You can write directly on the bag, OR you can label a post-it and place the post-it INSIDE the bag on top of the clothing before tying the bag shut. 

Please note that adult clothing is separated by tops and bottoms in addition to size and gender.

Skirts should be sorted with bottoms, and dresses should be sorted with tops.

If you are donating sheets, it is incredibly helpful to us if you indicate the size of the sheets.

Sorting Chart

Men’s Sorting Chart

Sorting Chart